Maher: Left Should Consider Giving on Fracking in Energy ‘Grand Bargain’ – ‘Use the Stuff’ We Produce Here

On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher proposed a “grand bargain” on energy where the left gives ground on increasing the use of nuclear power or on increasing fracking and the right gives ground on building up the green energy sector. Maher justified the fracking element by arguing that as long as America uses energy, it should use energy that is produced domestically.

Maher stated, “If we were not in total government paralysis, I feel like this country, if it was a normal country, or the way it used to be, seminormal, we could make a grand bargain. Where the left gave up some things, they would — I mean, nuclear, I’m not for nuclear. I know it’s not a perfect solution, way less. But it’s like, there are no perfect solutions, give a little on that one or maybe even fracking. As long as we’re going to use the energy, use it here…use the stuff that we get…because we’re a big energy producer now. We won’t do that. And the right, they could give up a little on green energy and at least trying to build up that sector more. But we’re not going to do that.”

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