GOP Rep. Gallagher: Biden’s Relying on Russia with Iran, Deal Will Be Justified by Claiming Need for Iranian Oil

On Monday’s broadcast of the Fox Business Network’s “Mornings with Maria,” Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI) stated that while the Biden administration promises to isolate Russia, they’re “relying on Russia to negotiate with Iran” and stated that if there is a deal with Iran, it will be justified “by saying because of the energy crisis we have, bringing one to two million barrels of Iranian crude on the global market is a good idea and will help Americans at the pump.”

Gallagher said, “[H]ere’s another way in which we’re reliant on Russia that relates to both security and energy: I don’t think most Americans understand, Maria, that, right now, as Biden’s threatening to turn Putin into a total pariah, the Biden administration is relying on Russia to negotiate with Iran over its nuclear program. And, of course, Russia has not only been blocking the IAEA investigation into Iran’s undeclared nuclear activities, it wants to sell uranium, it wants to sell weapons to Iran. If this administration announces an Iran deal brokered by Putin, that won’t just be billions of dollars for the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism, it’ll be a massive win for Vladimir Putin in the Middle East. And I guarantee you, they’ll justify it by saying because of the energy crisis we have, bringing one to two million barrels of Iranian crude on the global market is a good idea and will help Americans at the pump. I mean, this is insane. I beg the Biden administration to drop this dangerous fantasy of trying to resuscitate the Iran deal. It would be a win for Putin and loss for the United States of America.”

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