Clyburn: ‘Putting Money Out the Way We Did’ Fans Inflation – People Will Come to ‘Better Way of Thinking’ on This

On Monday’s broadcast of NPR’s “All Things Considered,” House Majority Whip Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC) stated that when policymakers “start putting money out the way we did with the rescue act, you’re going to fan inflation.” He also stated that getting money to people was needed and it’s a “pretty good thing to have something to inflate.” But there are those who have “nothing to inflate.” And that he thinks “the American people will come around to a better way of thinking about this. But we’ve got to do a little better job of helping them.”

Clyburn stated, [relevant remarks begin around 2:30] “Well, I’m not an economist, but I know this: What we needed to do — because of COVID-19, we needed to get people — incomes into people’s pockets. And [when] you start putting money out the way we did with the rescue act, you’re going to fan inflation. It is — that I know. That’s elementary. But, beyond that, all I can say, we may have done a better job preparing people for what was going to take place. But remember, it is a pretty good thing to have something to inflate. But this president’s got to worry about those people with nothing to inflate. And we’ve got to take care of them as well. And so, I think that he has a formidable challenge. I think that the American people will come around to a better way of thinking about this. But we’ve got to do a little better job of helping them.”

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