Exclusive — Single Dad Trucker: ‘It Hurts Me So Bad’ My Son Can’t Play Hockey Because He’s Unvaccinated

Video Source: Robert Kraychik / Breitbart News

Christian, a Canadian truck driver who emigrated from Romania, told Breitbart News on Friday that his son is prohibited from playing hockey with other children because he did not receive a coronavirus vaccine.

“As a single parent, it’s so hard for me to put my kid through something which I don’t believe in,” he said. “I want him to have a childhood. I want him to be free, to go play hockey, to do the right thing as a child, not to say, ‘Oh, daddy, are you going to bring me to get my vaccine?’ because he wants to play.”

He continued, “It hurts me. It hurts me so bad when he says, ‘Daddy, when can I get my vaccine? Because I want to play with other kids.'”

Christian said people should be free to choose to take coronavirus vaccines, not coerced via mandates and punitive measures against those choosing not to receive them.

“Let people choose,” he said. “I’m not against it. Everybody should have a choice.”

People gather along with truck drivers to block the streets during an anti-government and anti-vaccine mandate protest on February 12, 2022 in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. The protest has entered the 16th day of blockading the area around the Parliament building in Canada’s capital. Thousands of protestors and hundreds of vehicles are expected to join the convoy which has forced businesses to close and unnerved residents. A state of emergency has been called in Ottawa as police and local officials decide on how best to bring the event to an end. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

People gather along with truck drivers to block the streets during an anti-vaccine mandate protest in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

Christian highlighted Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s neo-Marxist philosophy. “He’s a communist,” he determined. “He should stand up for Canada. He should stand up for freedom. He should hear people’s voices.”

Breitbart News spoke with Ottawa-based parents whose children were denied access to minor league hockey due to the children being unvaccinated due to Ontario’s provincial decree for coronavirus vaccinations among those partaking indoor activities designated by the province as “non-essential.”

Christian concludes, “We follow the constitution. We follow the laws, but that doesn’t mean we have to do anything [that] they say. It’s our bodies. It’s our choice.”


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