Exclusive Video — Romanian-Canadian Trucker: Trudeau Has Caused ‘Civil War,’ Turned Canada ‘Communist’

Video Source: Robert Kraychik / Breitbart News

Christian, a trucker  in Ottawa participating in the Freedom Convoy demonstration, told Breitbart News on Friday that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is sowing seeds of hatred between Canadians and changing the country into a communist state.

“I feel so sorry that we got where we got,” Christian said. “This is not Canada, anymore. This is a communist country. [Trudeau] is dividing people, hating people.”

He added, “It’s a civil war between us lovely people, and that’s what really, really hurts because we are all united.”

Christian noted how coronavirus vaccine mandates — ostensibly issued for the purposes of “public health” and “public safety” — imposed by provincial and federal levels of government are destroying people’s livelihoods and denying their rights to earn a living.

Government decrees marketed as measures to address COVID-19, he said, had caused businesses to close, driven individuals into bankruptcy and forced others into losing their jobs.

Christian remarked, “We need to put food on the table. We need everything. We need to survive. We need to keep our jobs, but now we lose everything because of [Trudeau]. [Trudeau] will not let us live, to come back to our jobs, to come back to our families, [or] to live the way we lived before.”

“When I came in this country, I thought it’s beautiful,” Christian reflected. He praised Canada as filled with “unbelievable people.”

He lamented, “And now look at us hating each other. My son cannot see his grandfather, because he vaccinated and my is not vaccinated. He’s not allowed to go to his house. He’s sad.”


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