On Wednesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Hallie Jackson Reports,” Rep. Gregory Meeks (D-NY) argued that to fight inflation and rising energy prices, “we need to come up with a plan like the infrastructure plan that passed” that will create jobs.

Meeks said, “I think [what] we want to do is to come up with a plan that refocuses the conversation to helping fight inflation, as well as, you know, part of the inflation, because the greatest part of it is energy, 40% up. So, we need to come up with a plan like the infrastructure plan that passed that will provide millions of jobs — and working people and to pass Build Back Better, I think, at least in portions of it. But I would look at anything that would help the American people get through this crisis.”

He continued, “I think that the president was very correct in making sure that we know that should Mr. Putin [continue] his aggressive ways and cross that line, that the world, not just the United States of America, but the world will pay, will have some pain, short-term pain. But from my viewpoint, it’s short-term pain for long-term gain and preserving democracies here in the United States and around the world.”

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