CNN’s Bolduan: ‘Unhelpful Hysterics’ a Product of Rand Paul’s ‘Personal Animosity’ Against Fauci

CNN anchor Kate Bolduan said Tuesday on her show “At This Hour” that “personal animosity” from Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) towards Dr. Anthony Fauci was adding to an atmosphere of  “unhelpful hysterics” during Senate hearings on the coronavirus pandemic.

Bolduan said, “We’re going to pull off from the hearing now and continue listening to the senate hearing as it plays out. As you can see, some of the helpful information that can come out of these Senate hearings with top health officials but also some of the unhelpful hysterics and drama that can come from this as well.”

She continued, “I know you were listening to that right along with me, Doctor Marrazzo. Your reaction, to this, I think kind of round four or five, between Dr. Rand Paul, a medical doctor and also a senator, and Dr. Anthony Fauci, and this personal animosity that continues coming from Rand Paul? Your reaction to it?”

Dr. Jeanne Marrazzo said, “My reaction is really one of being completely dispirited. I think that you know, the fact that you even have to count the number of rounds and can’t remember what round we’re all sort of says it all because I think political theater at its worse.”

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