On Friday’s broadcast of PBS’ “Washington Week,” CNN Political Director David Chalian stated that “in one aspect,” covering the Biden administration “may be a bit easier than it was during the Trump administration because of the deliberate misinformation and lying that was occurring.”

Chalian responded to criticism that the coverage of the Biden administration has been too tough by stating that all administrations complain about press coverage.

He continued, “Our job remains the same. And in one aspect, it may be a bit easier than it was during the Trump administration because of the deliberate misinformation and lying that was occurring. But our job and mission remains the same, which is that we have to hold those in positions of power accountable, accountable to their words and their promises to the American people, accountable for their actions, and we need to continue to press on that and we do. And I don’t think we have to spend much time being concerned about whether the administration thinks the coverage is fair or not. I think we have to be concerned with letting the facts and our reporting lead the way to ensure fair, contextualized coverage. And I think that that is happening. I think it may look less combative, perhaps, than people saw between the Trump administration and the press. Because it’s not a[n] agreed upon, decided upon political strategy from this president and this administration to make the press a political target and an enemy…but this whole notion of Donald Trump making the press a political foil. I think that is what has disappeared with the disappearance of Trump from the White House.”

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