On Friday’s “PBS NewsHour,” New York Times columnist David Brooks argued that we have “an overheating economy” but President Joe Biden isn’t to blame for inflation.

Brooks said, “I don’t think he’s to blame for the inflation rates. I think that’s mostly the supply chain issues and other things, and the fact that we have a booming economy. So, we’re in an overheating economy. And you could make the argument that we shouldn’t have passed that infrastructure bill, but that is not affecting the economy right now. It’s too soon. And so you can make the argument we shouldn’t be spending more money because the economy’s overheating. But I don’t think he’s to blame. What disturbs me is, people have become so disabused, so cynical, that they see the negative and they don’t see the positive. So, as Jared Bernstein — he’s right. There’s a lot of really great news, and there’s a lot of bad news. But people are so — have reached a point of disillusionment about our country and our system that they focus on the negative.”

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