Monday on FNC’s “Fox & Friends,” network meteorologist Janice Dean reacted to CNN firing Chris Cuomo for using his media sources to dig up information on those accusing his brother, former Governor Andrew Cuomo, of sexual harassment.

Dean, who has railed against Andrew Cuomo for his nursing home policy resulting in the death of her parents-in-law and many others, said her “grief turned to rage” watching the Cuomo brothers’ “comedy hour” on CNN.

“Well, if it wasn’t for the Andrew Cuomo-Chris Cuomo comedy hour, I wouldn’t be sitting here because that’s the day that my grief turned to rage — when I saw those guys joking around about the love gov and who their mother’s favorite son was and the big cotton swab where nursing homes could not get tests to tests incoming infected patients,” Dean outlined. “And we now know Andrew Cuomo admitted or his administration admitted over 9,000 COVID-positive patients. I saw those guys joking around as body bags are being piled up outside of nursing homes. And that’s when I said it’s time I tell my story because nobody else is covering it.”

“[W]e can ask for accountability and the answers,” she added. “We still need to find out why did he put COVID-positive patients into nursing homes? Why did he cover up those numbers? Why did he give out friends and family COVID tests to Chris Cuomo when nursing homes couldn’t get them to literally save lives? There’s so many answers we need to get to the bottom of.”

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