Tuesday on FNC’s “Fox & Friends,” Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) sounded off on the Waukesha Christmas parade massacre. The suspect had been released on $1,000 bond at the time of the tragedy.

Johnson called into question the catch-and-release policy being used at the southern border and through the criminal justice system. He said Democrats are “encouraging” lawlessness.

“Well, it was a horrific tragedy, and that’s part of the tragedy — that this probably never should have happened,” Johnson outlined. “We really do need to review our criminal justice system. It just seems like we’ve gotten into this argument now with the left that they want a revolving door. They want catch-and-release, whether it’s on the southern border or whether it’s through our criminal justice system. And so, you have crime now spilling over from high crime regions into communities like Waukesha that, you know, listen, there’s still crime in Waukesha, but it’s a low crime area in general. And so, it’s starting to spill over, and people need to start asking the questions about our criminal justice system releasing violent criminals.”

“This is an issue by the left,” he added. “It’s funded by, in part, George Soros, but Eric Holder and a number of Democrat leaders have been encouraging this. … They’ll never admit to it; they’ll never admit they’re wrong, and, unfortunately, the media and the social media, they are the Democrat communications department. They’ll never admit they’re wrong, and they’ve got the power to pretty well ensure that they’re not proven wrong. So, this is a culture war. Let’s call it what it is — it’s a culture war. And the left is on the side of this kind of lawlessness, whether it’s President Biden or President Obama issuing executive orders that are totally contrary to the law all the way down to this catch and release of our criminal justice system and the southern border. We need order. We can’t continue to live in this type of chaos.”

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