Andrew Yang: Media ‘Fixation on Race’ Impeded My 2020 Campaign

Former Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang on Tuesday said the media’s “fixation on race” in 2020 hurt him in his bid to be the party’s nominee.

Yang, who recently left the Democratic Party, told Fox Business Network’s “Cavuto: Coast to Coast” that as an Asian-American candidate traveling around the country, he never “felt unwelcome.” He said if he ever felt “some kind of different treatment,” it was from the national media.

“I spent years campaigning in Iowa, Ohio, New Hampshire, other parts of the country, and I never felt the least bit unwelcome as a result of who I am, being Asian American, to the extent that I think that there was like some kind of different treatment, it was in the media. Truly,” Yang told host Neil Cavuto.

“I had thousands of interactions with Americans, and they were very, very open to my campaign. They were open to a different form of leadership. They saw in me a fairly regular person who just wanted to do right for them and their families to the extent there was a fixation on race that ended up being an impediment to my campaign, it was more likely to come from certain elements of the national media,” he added.

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