Rep. Donalds to GOP Colleagues Who Voted in Favor of Infrastructure Bill: ‘You Did the Absolute Wrong Thing’

During a Monday appearance on Fox News Channel’s “America Reports,” Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL) blasted his GOP congressional colleagues for voting in favor of the Democrats’ $1.2 trillion infrastructure package.

Donalds said the 13 Republicans who voted to pass the legislation “did the absolute wrong thing.” He argued the vote helped “tee up” the larger reconciliation bill Democrats have tied to the infrastructure bill.

“First of all, I’m highly disappointed with the vote that happened. There is no reason that any colleague on the Republican side of the aisle should’ve helped Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi pass this infrastructure bill,” Donalds outlined. “First of all, it’s a bad bill. That’s number one. It does spend some money in key areas and key corridors in the United States, but it taxes across the country; it begins to drop that climate change nonsense in the Department of Transportation already more than it already is.”

“Now, to the members of my caucus that voted for this, you did the absolute wrong thing. You never should have voted for this,” he added. “If you wanted infrastructure, you should have negotiated a better deal after you defeated this one. With respect to the leadership, I know that they were talking to these members relentlessly, trying to get them not to vote this way, but unfortunately, we had other people that went to the other side on this vote. It was the wrong vote. People in their districts are not going to be pleased by this, especially when electricity costs are going to go up as a result of what happened in this bill.”

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