Jim Jordan: Biden Shutting Down Another Pipeline ‘Makes No Sense’ — ‘They’re Intentionally Trying to Harm American Families’

During Tuesday’s broadcast of FNC’s “Fox & Friends,” Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) slammed the Biden administration for considering shutting down the Enbridge Line 5 pipeline.

Jordan, noting the rising gas prices, said shutting down the pipeline “makes absolutely no sense.” He argued President Joe Biden and his administration were “intentionally trying to harm American families and American workers” with their policies.

“I mean, this makes absolutely no sense,” Jordan declared. “It’s like what do these guys want, $8 gas? I mean, last week in the committee hearing, Ro Khanna, Democrat member of Congress, we had big oil company executives in there from Chevron, Exxon, BP … and Ro Khana was badgering these guys, saying will you commit to reducing production? Will you lower production. And I’m like, what do you guys want? So, Joe Biden begs OPEC to increase production, and Democrat members of Congress badger American companies to decrease production? I mean, this makes no sense. It’s like they are intentionally trying to harm American families and American workers. And I don’t get it. I don’t think the American people get it, and that’s why Joe Biden is at 38%, or whatever number he’s at now.”

He later added, “This is how stupid their economic plan is, and again, the American people get it. I just wish someone in the Biden administration would wake up and actually just start doing some common sense things, but I don’t think they’re going to. I think this is intentional, this is deliberate, and it’s just flat-out wrong.”

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