Hawley: ‘Stop Using the Military as a Giant Social Experiment’

Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) warns the U.S. military’s focus is misappropriated under Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin during an appearance on FNC’s “The Ingraham Angle.”

Hawley’s remarks about the country’s military preparedness come as the U.K. Royal Marines made quick work of U.S. troops during a training exercise.

“Well, they are probably wondering why it is the people like General Milley and Secretary Austin spend so much time recommending books on white rage, on Critical Race Theory and are not more focused on warfighting,” he said. “Here’s my view, Laura. We’ve got the best soldiers, airmen, marines in the entire world. Our soldiers are amazing warfighters. Let them fight. Train the tight. Let them do what they do best and stop using the military as a giant social experiment, which is what the left seems to want.”

The Missouri Republican warned the threat from China was not being taken seriously as the military brass were focused on “left-wing pursuits.”

“I have to say that General Milley has been pretty darn casual about the threat from China,” Hawley continued. “I asked him a very similar question before the Armed Services Committee about China’s intentions towards Taiwan, and he similarly was pretty dismissive and said I don’t know if that’s really going to be a problem. He said I don’t really know — he cast doubt on the Chinese ability to even take Taiwan.”

“I can tell you that there’s a very serious danger that China will invade Taiwan, and we’ve been warned by the commanders in the region, our commanders in the region, that this could come sooner than we had previously expected,” he continued. “We need to get ready to defend right now, and what we really need to do, Laura, is we need to get the Taiwanese ready to defend themselves. They need to have the ability to fight off China, to defend themselves, and we need to be ready to do it. And again, this ought to be the priority, rather than assigning our troops to read stuff on Critical Race Theory and white rage and white supremacy and all of these other left-wing pursuits.”

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