FNC’s Logan: Lt. Col. Scheller Jailed ‘For Speaking the Truth’

On Friday’s “Fox News Primetime,” Fox Nation host Lara Logan stated that the generals responsible for the Afghanistan debacle aren’t taking responsibility, but are holding Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller responsible by “jailing him for speaking the truth.”

Logan said, “So, what they’re really doing is jailing him for speaking the truth. And I listened to the parents, and I want them to know and I want everyone in America to know that I stand 100% with their son. Because he did something that everyone in America has been waiting for for years, Brian.”

She added, “And what we’re seeing now is that they’re actually going to go to the extreme of jailing someone for something like this. They could just — they could discharge him. They could do disciplinary action, but they’re not. … The generals who are actually responsible are not taking responsibility, but they’re holding someone lower down in the chain of command responsible. So, that is the kind of hypocrisy that Americans have just had enough of.”

(h/t Daily Caller)

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