On Saturday’s “CNN Newsroom,” Rep. Carlos Gimenez (R-FL) said the firefighters who died in the World Trade Center on 9/11 knew “there was a good chance they would not come out alive, yet they all went in.” Because “That’s what firefighters do. Firefighters go in. When people are running out, firefighters go in.”

Gimenez said that he, along with other firefighters went to New York to help with rescue operations after the attacks because “That’s what firefighters do. Firefighters go in. When people are running out, firefighters go in. And as I was watching the events unfold and I was watching those towers fall, I turned over to…my fire chief who was there with me and I said, there’s a lot of firefighters who just lost their lives. And all of those firefighters knew what they were getting into. They all knew what the chances were that there was a good chance they would not come out alive, yet they all went in.”

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