GOP Rep. Steube: China’s Already Trying to Move into Afghanistan, Will Reverse-Engineer our Equipment

On Thursday’s broadcast of the Fox Business Network’s “Evening Edit,” Rep. Greg Steube (R-FL) predicted that China and Russia will move into Afghanistan, and stated that the American military equipment left in the country “now can be handed over to our enemies,” and reverse-engineered.

Steube said, [relevant remarks begin around 1:20] “China is a heck of a lot closer to Afghanistan than the United States is. And now that we’ve withdrawn all of our military forces, we have nobody nearby to monitor and surveil Russia, to monitor and surveil China. So who do you think’s going to come in? China’s already brokered deals with the Iranian government in their roads and bridges projects. You’re absolutely going to see Russia and China sweep in. You already saw one of the China foreign ministers meeting with the head of the Taliban. They’re already starting to have discussions. And think about all of the military equipment…that now can be handed over to our enemies, China, [Russia], the Iranians. They’re going to give them all of our secrets and all of our equipment so they can reverse-engineer it and use it against us. We are going to be feeling the implications of what has happened in Afghanistan for decades.”

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