Cotton: ‘Biden Pulled the Rug Out from Underneath the Afghan Army’ with ‘Feckless’ Withdrawal

Wednesday on FNC’s “Fox & Friends,” Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) blasted President Joe Biden for the “feckless execution” of withdrawing U.S. troops out of Afghanistan. This comes as hundreds of American citizens and many Afghan allies were left behind in the Taliban-led country after the August 31 evacuation deadline passed.

According to Cotton, Biden “pulled the rug out from underneath the Afghan army” with his “disastrous” and “feckless” withdrawal.

“The reality is that Joe Biden pulled the rug out from underneath the Afghan army when he withdrew not just American troops but all Western contractors who were helping do the maintenance and all the logistical work, for instance, that kept the Afghan air force flying and gave them that advantage over the Taliban,” Cotton asserted.

“It’s just one example of the disastrous miscalculations that brought us to where we are now with hundreds of Americans left behind in Afghanistan because of Joe Biden’s feckless execution of his decision to withdraw,” he continued. “I mean, over the last couple of weeks, Joe Biden promised the Taliban we would be out by the end of August, and he promised American citizens trapped behind Taliban lines we would stay until we got them out. Joe Biden kept his promise to the Taliban. He broke his promise to Americans.”

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