Friday on FNC’s “Fox & Friends,” Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) suggested that President Joe Biden should be “impeached” if an American citizen and Afghan allies are left behind in Afghanistan amid the Taliban’s takeover.

Graham said Biden “has been a wrecking ball regarding foreign policy, national security for 40 years.” He argued that leaving behind a single American citizen or any allies from Afghanistan who have helped the United States would be an impeachable offense.

“We are duty-bound to get every American citizen out. We’re honor-bound to get those Afghans who fought along our side out. And here’s what I would say: If we leave any Americans behind, if we leave thousands of those Afghans who fought along our side behind, bravely, Joe Biden deserves to be impeached for a higher crime and misdemeanor of dereliction of duty,” Graham emphasized. “If we leave one American behind, if we don’t get all those … Afghans who stepped up to the plate and helped us out, then Joe Biden, in my view, has committed a higher crime and misdemeanor under the Constitution and should be impeached.”

“Any military commander would be court-martialed for leaving our people behind,” he added. “And I think the Commander-in-Chief owes it to every American citizen and owes it to the Afghans who fought along our side to get them out because if we leave them behind, they are going to get slaughtered.”

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