GOP Sen. Cramer: States with Vaccine Passports Should Also Require Voter ID

Friday, Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-ND) highlighted the hypocrisy of Democrats for their vaccine passport push, which he described as “a gross intrusion on people’s personal information.”

Cramer is proposing legislation to force states that are requiring COVID-19 vaccine passports to also mandate voter identification after New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio announced this week that the city would be requiring proof of COVID-19 vaccination status to enter buildings such as gyms and restaurants, among others.

The Republican from North Dakota questioned why Democrats are so “willing” to give up their private health information to eat out at a restaurant but resist having to show voter identification to vote.

“I never cease to be amazed at how easily Democrats are willing to give up their personal private health care records just so they can eat at a restaurant in Manhattan but then resist the requirement to demonstrate you are who you say you are to do something as important as casting a vote for President of the United States,” Cramer stated. “And so, what my bill intends to do is shine that spotlight of hypocrisy — which, by the way, hypocrisy is not exactly new in politics. But this is a pretty extreme version of it.”

He added, “I think this is really, to me, a frightening situation where the American people have been asked to do something like demonstrate or prove that, you know, a vaccination. That is highly personal and private information.”

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