CNN’s Lemon: Right Is Putting ‘Owning the Libs’ Ahead of Supporters Lives

CNN’s anchor Don Lemon said Monday that former President Donald Trump and “those on the right” were putting owning liberals ahead of the lives of their supporters by spreading “misinformation” on the COVID-19 vaccination.

Lemon said, “We got so close. We got close to having a normal summer. We really did. Maybe a little bit of it. A summer free from worries about a deadly virus. A summer free from worries whether we should be wearing masks, a summer free worrying of who is vaccinated and not. We got so close and yet, so far. COVID cases are rising in every single state, every state. This is vaccinated America and unvaccinated America. The surgeon general says 99.5 — are you listening, America?  99.5% of deaths right now are happening among, you got it, unvaccinated people. We got so close. Now the misinformation is pulling us back down. It’s literally killing us. The lies, conspiracy theories, those on the right who are putting owning the libs ahead of the lives of their own supporters.”

He added, “This is not about Republicans and Democrats. A lot of this stuff shouldn’t be about Republicans and Democrats, left versus right. People like to make it that way. Right? Politicians, right-wing media. This is not. It shouldn’t be red states, blue states. This is about people’s lives. But here is the thing. At least 20 states, most of them run by Democrats, have fully vaccinated more than 50% of their population. Those are the Democratic states, right? But there are red states across the South that haven’t even vaccinated 40%. That’s how the Delta variant is taking hold. Those are the facts. That’s the truth. You think every single Republican would put lives ahead of politics, especially now. Yet the former president, the guy who takes credit for the vaccines that were developed on his watch, is talking out of both sides of his mouth pushing anti-vax messaging.”

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