GOP Rep. Hice Calls on States to Refrain from COVID Restrictions to Combat Delta Variant — ‘Liberty Must Be Upheld’

During an interview with Fox News, Rep. Jody Hice (R-GA) urged states not to revamp COVID restrictions amid the spread of the coronavirus’ Delta variant.

Hice warned the Delta variant could be “another opportunity for control of the federal government on our lives.” He called on governors and states to follow the science while also protecting the “liberties and rights of American citizens.”

“One of the things that frightened me most about the pandemic was how willingly the American people were allowed and willingly giving up their freedoms,” Hice stated. “That’s very concerning to me, and I think this Delta variant is just another opportunity for control of the federal government on our lives, and it’s very concerning to me to think about going there again.”

“I mean, you listen to true science for one thing, but you don’t take away people’s liberties in the process,” he added. “There’s nothing in our country that trumps our Constitution. … [W]e’ve had pandemics in the past. We’ve had national emergencies in the past. But those tragic events cannot be opportunities for the government to shut down churches, shut down businesses, shut down schools, all in the name of an emergency. Liberty must be held, so whatever governors do, whatever states do, they must do in such a way that follows the science and protects the liberties and rights of American citizens.”

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