Cotton: Dem Agenda Now Is Higher Taxes, the Green New Deal, ‘Old-Style Welfare’

On Monday, Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) slammed the Democrats’ agenda after President Joe Biden flip-flopped on his tax and entitlement ultimatum on the bipartisan infrastructure deal.

Cotton said on Fox News Channel’s “The Faulkner Focus” that Democrats just want to “pass a multi-trillion-dollar spending and taxing blowout” to push through higher taxes, the Green New Deal, and “old-style welfare.”

“I guess maybe Joe Biden was a little confused what his position was,” Cotton said of Biden’s reversal. “But look, it is not enough for him to say he misspoke or he didn’t know what he was talking about. He’s got to talk to Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer to make sure they’re not doing his dirty work for him because they can stop this bill just as easily as Joe Biden could by vetoing it, by not sending it to him in the first place. And if they don’t make those efforts, it’s going to be clear they’re not negotiating in good faith, and their goal all along is just to pass a multi-trillion-dollar spending and taxing blow-out.”

“If you look at what they proposed and what’s going to be in that bill — first off — it’s going to be a lot of the Green New Deal. And second, it’s going to be a lot of welfare spending,” he added. “The Democrats want to bring back the old-style welfare before Bill Clinton and congressional Republicans in 1996 reformed it where they send checks to households without any breadwinner. And much less not only just people not … working but people not looking for work, or not getting job training or going to school. Just checks for every household. I don’t think many Americans are going to support that. And that’s one reason why the Democrats are struggling to put the votes together for more taxes, the Green New Deal, and old-style welfare.”

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