GOP Rep. Pfluger: If We Want to Address Root Causes of Border Problems, Bring Back Remain in Mexico Policy

On Saturday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Cavuto Live,” Rep. August Pfluger (R-TX) argued that if the Biden administration wants to deal with the root causes of the problems at the border, they need to reinstate the remain in Mexico policy and the agreements the U.S. had with countries in Central America and can’t send the message that the border is open.

Pfluger said, “Well, if we’re going to address the root cause, which is what the vice president is saying, then we do need to adjudicate those in Mexico and before the crisis and the surge reaches our borders, and that’s what we’ve been calling for all along is to have the remain in Mexico policy reinstated, to have those agreements with Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala reinstated just like President Trump did. He knew what the source of the problem was. He was working with those governments and making sure that the surge didn’t happen and the rhetoric is also something that the president cannot say, with either unsaid or policy, that our borders are open. That’s what’s being communicated to the rest of the world right now.”

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