Thursday on Fox Business Network’s “Mornings with Maria,” Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) and his wife, Kelley, addressed the package they received this week that contained white powder and a violent image. The powder was later deemed harmless.
Kelley Paul described the day she received the package as “terrifying,” saying the sender of the package engaged in “pure terrorism.”
“It was really … a terrifying day, and it’s pure terrorism. People are just trying to terrorize us into silence, you know, for being a public servant,” she told host Maria Bartiromo.
Senator Paul then decried late night show host Stephen Colbert for mocking the injuries he received when he was assaulted by a neighbor in 2017 and songwriter and singer Richard Marx encouraging others “to finish the job” on him.
“We have people on the left who think it’s just hilarious,” he lamented. “Stephen Colbert thinks it’s great to make fun of the injuries that I had.”
“[W]hen Colbert and all these other people who think they’re so funny and they get everybody on the internet all ginned up, guess what, they encourage crazy people across the country,” Paul continued. “CNN puts my house on Google Map on television, tells everybody where I live. So, this has got to stop. But the left thinks it’s just hilarious what happened to me, and they encourage other people to do it. That’s the whole meme on the internet. All these people think it’s hilarious. ‘Come and finish the job.’ Oh, that’s really funny. I almost died, and they think it’s really funny, and they want to do it again. Twitter doesn’t do a damn thing. I finally talked to them, and they took this one down, but was the guy punished? No.”
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The senator went on to urge members of the left to “quit fomenting” violence aimed at the right and comedians to say attacking people for their political views “isn’t funny.”
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