On Friday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) stated that there has been a nearly “800% increase April over April” in the amount of fentanyl coming across the border apprehended by the Texas Department of Public Safety. And that there has been enough fentanyl obtained to kill everyone in New York.

Abbott said, “I’ve got to tell you, Steve, there’s something else, a new dynamic about what’s going on at the border that Americans need to know about, and that is the increased apprehension of fentanyl coming across the border. Yes, there may be people coming across the border. But there [are] dangerous drugs coming across the border. For your audience who may not know, two milligrams of fentanyl is a fatal dose. And so, know this, we had…[an] almost 800% increase April over April of the amount of fentanyl that has been apprehended by the Texas Department of Public Safety. We have obtained enough fentanyl coming across the border to kill every single person in the state of New York.”

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