Meghan McCain: Racial Slurs Used Against Tim Scott Wouldn’t Happen if He Were Democrat

Meghan McCain told her co-hosts on Thursday’s broadcast of ABC’s “The View” that she is “disgusted” the phrase “Uncle Tim” trended on Twitter after Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) gave his rebuttal to President Joe Biden’s address to Congress.

McCain said, “In terms of senator Tim Scott, I’m a huge fan of his. He told a story about growing up in poverty and having to move in with his grandmother and having three family members live in one room, and his uncle pretending to read a newspaper to show a good example. He explained policy reasons why he’s a Republican. In response, he was trending on Twitter, being called Uncle Tom and Uncle Tim, which many Americans consider a racial slur. It’s okay to be racist and use racial slurs towards black men as long as they are Republicans.”

She continued, “I’m disgusted by the response to him. Hit him on policy, but the way he is being talked about, the way he’s being disrespected, don’t talk to me about race in this country. Don’t talk to me about the problems with racism when it’s okay to speak and treat a Black man this way who happens to be the most famous Republican Black senator in the country. It’s okay to treat him that way. It’s okay for Twitter to let it trend for 11 hours which is supposed to be against their policies and standards. It’s okay to let it trend against Senator Scott.”

McCain added, “It wouldn’t have happened if he was a Democrat. It hurt me, saddened me, and disgusted me. I’m so grossed out. To Senator Scott, there are so many of us that support and love you and think you did a fantastic job. He’s the one that should be running for president, not Nikki Haley.”

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