Sheila Jackson Lee: Texas, Georgia Voting Law ‘About Race’ — ‘And that Is Tragic’

During Friday’s broadcast of “CNN Newsroom,” Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) said efforts such as in her state and Georgia to shore up election integrity were “about race.”

Jackson Lee argued there was only “minute if at best” fraud in Georgia and Texas in the 2020 election.

“Explain, if you can, how the changes in Texas make it harder to vote,” host Jim Sciutto posed to Jackson Lee.

“Is it about race? Yes, it’s about race. Is the SB 7 bill about race? Yes, in Texas, it is about race. And that is tragic,” Jackson Lee emphasized. “And the reason why I say that is they had a solution running for a problem. There were no charges of the question of fraud both in Georgia and in Texas. There was no widespread fraud. There was no discernible fraud. It was minute, if at best. So we asked the legislature, when schoolchildren don’t have enough resources to make up for this terrible pandemic, why are they focused immediately on voting rights? It was because they lost the 2020 election, rather than getting back on their feet, putting their issues forward and running. This is truly about race. What do you think about a poll watcher that is not anyone officially connected to the poll, a poll watcher designated by parties having a videotape and watching voters while they’re voting? Can you tell me what good news is that? It is intimidation. I’ve seen it. I’ve seen it in my congressional district, which is a majority-minority district.”

She added, “And so, yes, I don’t believe this has anything to do with voting rights.”

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