Sunday at the conclusion of CBS’s “60 Minutes,” correspondent Sharyn Alfonsi read the comments to her failed hit job attempt alleging Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) was involved in a “pay-to-play” with Publix and COVID-19 vaccines. DeSantis vehemently shot the story down, calling it a “fake narrative” and saying it is why people do not trust “corporate media.”

Alfonsi pointed out that “some viewers, including a retired newsman, applauded the story.” She then read two comments critical of CBS’s “shameful, biased reporting.”

“Viewers focused on an exchange with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis at a press conference. Some viewers, including a retired newsman, applauded the story — ‘Ron DeSantis will continue to deny, refute … call your reporting a witch hunt … I can only hope … that you continue to investigate and expose the truth,'” Alfonsi relayed. “But more comments condemned our editing and reporting — ‘Shameful, biased reporting– that is what you are guilty of. You are no longer journalists, but lobbyists and advocates.’ Then there was this: ‘I have watched ’60 Minutes’ for decades. After your biased piece on Governor DeSantis, I will only watch it one more time — just to see if you broadcast this message.'”

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