Newsom on Whether Restrictions Were Too Strict: ‘We’ve Saved Lives’ – Some Industries Were ‘Disproportionately Impacted’

On Tuesday’s broadcast of CNN’s “The Lead,” California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) responded to a question on whether any of the state’s coronavirus restrictions were too harsh by saying that California has “saved lives.” But acknowledged that the hospitality and leisure industries have suffered a disproportionate impact.

Host Jake Tapper asked, “Do you think that any of your COVID restrictions went too far? I understand that hindsight’s 20/20 and that we’re all experts a year into it and we weren’t a year ago. But looking back on it, were any of your COVID restrictions too tough?”

Newsom responded, “Well, we have 1.8% positivity today. That’s lower than all but three states in the country. We have lower death rates than the vast majority of states in this country, certainly much lower than places like Florida and Texas. I believe we’ve saved lives. We’re led by science. We’re led by health, led by data. … There’s no question, though, Jake, to your point, the hospitality and leisure industry, two industries I know well as a small businessperson myself, have been disproportionately impacted, and that’s reflected in those unemployment numbers. Here’s the good news: We’re running record reserves in the state. We’re running one of the highest surpluses in our state’s history. We just led the nation, once again, in our innovation index. And our economy’s going to absolutely come roaring back.”

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