Schweizer: China’s Influence on U.S. Government a ‘Massive Problem’

During this week’s broadcast of “Sunday Morning Futures” on Fox News Channel, Breitbart News senior contributor and author Peter Schweizer warned of China’s involvement in the United States’ politics after Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) was re-appointed to his position on the House Intelligence Committee.

Swalwell was recently reported to have a close relationship with Chinese spy Fang Fang.

Schweizer said China is attempting to influence the United States. He argued it is a “massive problem” because “there are a lot of people in Washington” in a position to reform the Asian superpower who are also “being cozy with Beijing.”

“If you’re going to have a competition with the United States, why not try to effectively decapitate part of the leadership by co-opting them? You can co-opt them in the old-fashioned Cold War ways of, you know, sexual honey traps, so to speak; you can also do it by giving sweetheart commercial deals by enriching their families, and China has more money to do that than the Soviet Union ever did,” Schweizer outlined “And so, this is a massive problem. We can challenge, and we can stay ahead of China. We can even work to potentially reform China, but it’s going to take leadership and tough decisions, and there are a lot of people in Washington who don’t want to make those tough decisions because they’re making a lot of money by being cozy with Beijing.”

According to Schweizer, both GOP and Democratic leadership are profiting off of the Chinese Communist Party.

“That’s extremely disturbing, and you can’t ignore it,” he declared.

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