Zeldin: Nursing Home Scandal Should Have Been ‘Enough’ for Cuomo to Resign, It Required Several Accusers to Come Forward

On Friday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY) stated that it is “interesting” that it took several accusers to come forward and accuse New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) of sexual misconduct in order to bring about calls for his resignation, and “I thought thousands of dead New York seniors and then the cover-up and then the bullying, that that would be enough to get the governor to resign.”

Zeldin said, [relevant remarks begin around 1:25] “It was interesting that it requires a fifth or a sixth or a seventh accuser to come forward. When I was getting asked about resignation, I was thinking of the nursing home directive and the cover-up, and I thought thousands of dead New York seniors and then the cover-up and then the bullying, that that would be enough to get the governor to resign. I watched the governor’s press conference earlier today, I listened to it. It was a trainwreck, he was essentially going after the accusers as being liars. And…if you believe the victims, then he’ll go after you too. So, it’s — he’s doubling down, tripling down on the same character flaws that got himself into this trouble in the first place. I agree with you. This is the end of Gov. Cuomo’s political career. I don’t think it’s months, I think it’s days or weeks at this point.”

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