Representative Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) said Sunday CNN’s “State of the Union” that having a black custodial staff clean up what she called a “mess left by that violent white supremacist mob” on January 6 at the U.S. Capitol was “a metaphor for America.”

Pressley said, “He will forever be the twice impeached president by the Democratic majority, and now the Senate must hold Donald Trump accountable but also to bar him from running for public office ever again. We know that he had accomplices who told on themselves in broad daylight. They aided and abetted this insurrection by perpetuating this big lie, and they must be expelled. Then we must continue investigating so that any individuals or agencies that enable this insurrection are taken into account.”

She continued, “Let me say this, for those who continue to feign great surprise about what happened on January 6, as a black woman, to be barricaded in my office using office furniture and water bottles, on the ground, in the dark, that terror, those moments of terror is familiar in a deep and ancestral way for me. I want us to do everything to ensure that a breach like this never occurs at the Capitol. I want us to address the evil and scourge of white supremacy in this nation. This is not only about securing the Capitol to ensure that members and our staffs and custodial staff, and food service are safe in the Capitol. It is that we’re safe in America. And one of the images I’m haunted by is the black custodial staff cleaning up the mess left by that violent white supremacist mob. That is a metaphor for America. We have been cleaning up after violent white supremacist mobs for generations, and it must end.”

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