WH’s Jean-Pierre: Banning Transgender ‘Patriots’ From Joining Military ‘Only Undermines Our National Security’

During a Tuesday interview on CNN’s “New Day,” White House deputy press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre discussed President Joe Biden’s message of unity when it comes to lifting the ban former President Donald Trump put in place of transgender people serving in the military.

Biden wrote on Twitter that the ban was “discriminatory” and that “America is safer” when transgender individuals are allowed to serve.

Jean-Pierre defended Biden’s executive order by arguing that banning transgender “patriots” from the military “only undermines our national security.” She emphasized the importance of allowing everyone “who is able” to be able to have the opportunity to serve.

“Look, when you ban people, patriots, who … are smart, who are able, who are talented from joining the military, that only undermines our national security,” Jean-Pierre declared. “That is not the way to go. And so, what President Biden is doing is that he is lifting a ban that is essentially hurting us and should not be. And he’s going to work with the Department of Defense.”

“[A]t the end of the day, it’s about our national security,” she added. “And we have to be able to include everyone who is able … to serve and have that opportunity to do so. ”

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