House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said on Hillary Clinton’s “You and Me Both” podcast that the January 6 deadly riot at the U.S. Capitol must be investigated with “a 9/11 Commission.”
Partial Transcript as follows:
CLINTON: We learned a lot about our system of government over the last four years with a president who disdains democracy and, as you have said numerous times, has other agendas. What they all are, I don’t think we yet know. I hope historically we will find out who he’s beholden to, who pulls his strings. I would love to see his phone records to see whether he was talking to Putin the day that the insurgents invaded our Capitol. But we now know that not just him, but his enablers, his accomplices, his cult members, have the same disregard for democracy. Do you think we need a 9/11-type commission to investigate and report everything that they can pull together and explain what happened?
PELOSI: I do. To your point of who is he beholden to, as I’ve said over and over, as I said to him in that picture with my blue suit as I was leaving, what I was saying to him as I was pointing, rudely, at him: “With you, Mr. President, all roads lead to Putin.” I don’t know what Putin has on him politically, financially, or personally, but what happened last week was a gift to Putin, because Putin wants to undermine democracy in our country and throughout the world. And these people, unbeknownst to them, maybe, are Putin puppets. They were doing Putin’s business when they did that at the incitement of an insurrection by the president of the United States.
So, yes, we should have a 9/11 Commission, and there is strong support in the Congress to do that. We can’t do that until we can pass a bill. And since the Senate’s not in, we’ll have to do that as soon as the Senate is in. But there is support for that. In the meantime, though, I’ve announced that General Honoré will be giving us guidance as to control and command. Clearly, there needs to be a restructuring of the infrastructure of security in the Capitol.
CLINTON: For listeners who may not know, General Honoré is the retired general who literally came to the rescue of the Katrina disaster recovery and reconstruction. His command presence, his sense of humor, his toughness are all ingredients to do exactly what you’ve asked him to do.
PELOSI: So, we’re not waiting for the commission, but the commission will have a bigger agenda and will get to the bottom of what complicity members of Congress have in all of this. And if they did, they should be prosecuted, as well as others – whether it’s in security… Anybody who has anything to do with the Capitol could have been a resource for whose offices were here. I didn’t care that they damaged things in my office. I don’t care about the things they broke, like the big mirror in the Speaker’s office. I don’t care about that. I do care that they traumatized my staff, young staff – traumatized them, scared them. If you could see the look in their eyes after having to be under the desk for nearly three hours, silent in the dark as people were pounding on the doors, out for blood.
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