On Friday’s “PBS NewsHour,” New York Times columnist David Brooks stated that while he supports the House impeaching President Donald Trump, he’s against a Senate trial because doing so would make it harder to pass needed coronavirus relief.

Brooks said, “I completely support impeachment, think this is the right thing to do. I think it would be a bad thing to have the trial in the Senate. Joe Biden has to pass that legislation. … $1.9 trillion is a very complicated piece of legislation. I think it’s got a lot of things a lot of Republicans can support, a lot of things Joe Manchin of West Virginia can support. And so you can get — I think that bill can be supported, and we can get $1.9 trillion out the door to the American people, but it’s not going to be an easy lift. And maybe, in — a Senate trial, A, takes up a lot of time. B, it’ll stoke all the flames. The Republican Party will find it very easy just to go into opposition mode.”

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