CNN’s Tapper: Republicans Objecting to Biden Win Attempting ‘Bloodless Coup’

CNN anchor Jake Tapper said on Sunday’s broadcast of “State of the Union” that reports of as many as 140 Republican House members and a handful of Republican senators planning to object to the certification of President-elect Joe Biden’s Electoral College win on January 6 was an attempted “bloodless coup.”

Tapper said, “The state of our union is facing a perilous start to 2021. We are beginning the year with the pandemic at its most alarming level yet. December was the deadliest month of the pandemic so far in the U.S. 4 million vaccines have been administered and not close to the goal of 20 million. With 3,000 Americans dying every day what are the president and a big chuck of Congressional Republicans focused on? Undermining the results of the election, essentially a bloodless coup. Leading the Republican Party in a state of turmoil.”

He continued, “Saturday, 11 Republican senators said they would vote against counting electoral votes in Congress next week calling for, quote, an emergency ten day audit of election returns despite there being no evidence of widespread voter fraud. The group is following the lead of Senator Josh Hawley, who says he will formally object to Biden’s decisive win. Despite zero credible evidence that would justify such a move, zero.”

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