Conservative rocker Ted Nugent said Sunday on Sinclair’s “America This Week” that those kneeling during the national anthem or protesting with the Black Lives Matter movement are “soulless” and “stupid.”

Host Eric Bolling said, “I love hearing the Star-Spangled Banner. Let’s talk a little bit about what’s going on in the country … You see them kneeling when as the song is being played, you see them disrespecting the flag that is on my chest and probably on your arm. What does that do to Ted Nugent?”

Referencing the Black Lives Matter “hands up, don’t shoot” slogan, which began in Ferguson, Missouri, after Michael Brown was killed, Nugent said, “I identify those people as being real soulless, real stupid. They don’t even know what they’re doing. I mean, they claim that somebody’s hands were up, and they got shot. That’s a lie. I know the situation. I’ve studied those situations, and nobody’s hands were up, and nobody got shot. So the entire premise of that so-called protest is based on a lie.”

He continued, “And they can’t be that stupid. They know it’s a lie. They’re just liars. So when you see someone disrespecting our flag, um, they don’t deserve any respect themselves, and they should be ashamed of themselves.”

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