During an interview aired on Thursday’s broadcast of CBS’ “Late Show,” President-Elect Joe Biden stated that we are “going to get to the place we can open schools.” And by this time next year, “we’ll be awfully close to” back to normal “if not there.”
Host Stephen Colbert asked, “Do you think this time next year, when you’re both in the White House, we will have what you could call a normal Christmas? Will the country be back to normal?”
Biden responded, “I believe we’ll be awfully close to that, if not there. I do believe that. I think we’ll be able to have — because the combination, in the first 100 days, I’m going to ask everybody to wear a mask for 100 days, and where I can dictate that, on federal property, I’ve been on with 45 governors asking them to think about it, just 100 days. We’re going to get those — the 100 million vaccinations out there, and we’re going to get to the place we can open schools. And there’s things we can do, and I think we can really — it’s not going to be quick, but I think, by next Christmas, we’ll be close to normal.”
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