Fox News anchor Bill Hemmer pressed Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC) Tuesday over the Trump campaign’s claims of widespread voter fraud in the presidential election.

Hemmer said, “Senator, I don’t know if you were with us a few moments ago, but Matt Schlapp just came back from Clark County that’s Las Vegas, Nevada. He’s arguing that there are thousands and thousands of illegal votes cast. Well, that may or may not be the case, but so far, we haven’t seen any evidence of that. At what moment do you say put up or shut up?”

Tillis said, “Well, you know Bill, I heard a lot of people when we were concerned with the ballot harvesting that happened special congressional race in North Carolina— I think that people say that no thought occurs and that’s empirically wrong.”

He added, “Whether or not it rose to a level to determine the outcome or are the kinds of questions that you ask in these very, very close races. I think it’s just a process that we need to go through, and we need to be patient and be calm and respect the judicial system that I think that will render a fair decision. When it’s up to the president and vice president to act accordingly.”

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