Kirstie Alley: CNN ‘Terrifying People 24/7’ with COVID Coverage

In a Sunday interview on Fox News Channel’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” actress Kirstie Alley sounded off on her spat with CNN after she last week called out the network for fear-mongering with its constant COVID-19 coverage.

On Sunday, Alley accused CNN of “terrifying people 24/7” with its coronavirus coverage without “any additional preventatives.” The actress added that the network is “broadcasting terror” to “deflect” from having to cover 2020 Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, and his business dealings overseas.

“The thing that … makes me mad with them, they are terrifying people 24/7, but they don’t have any additional preventives,” Alley told host Tucker Carlson. “They’re saying the same thing; we’ve heard the same thing. It’s the same three things we’ve heard for eight months. Now, many people do that, and they still get it, so I don’t know what the mystery is behind that. But, if they were coming up with new preventives, I would be happy to listen, you know, or god forbid we come up with any new what are they called therapeutics. … Just shoot them all down.”

She continued, “They are broadcasting terror because it’s a deflection. When the thing came out with Biden, and is he in cahoots with China? Is he in cahoots with Ukraine? OK, let’s find out, I would say.”

Alley explained that some of her friends told her to watch CNN, and shared her feelings after watching the network’s COVID-19 coverage.

“I would be horrified to walk out of the house, and it doesn’t do anybody any good, is the thing,” she advised. “We all know. We’re not deaf. We can hear, and we can see. Just because we are voting Republican doesn’t mean that we can’t hear or see. So, we know there is this death count, but it’s like they want to stand there in the … town square, and, ‘Bring out the dead, bring out the dead.’ And they act like we aren’t affected. They act like the only people who get this disease are Democrats. And I don’t know, has anyone taken a poll of that? It seems insane, but all these polls are insane, so why not, I say. Take a poll about that. Who is the sickest?”

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