Kasich: Trump’s Concerns About Mail-in Voting Are ‘Just a Big Joke’

Former Gov. John Kasich (R-OH) said Thursday night on ABC’s “Jimmy Kimmel Live” that President Donald Trump’s concerns about large scale mail-in voting were “just a big joke.”

Kasich said, “When these results are in, we will have as many, you know, maybe as much as 20% of the public saying that the election was not legitimate. If you have a situation like that and people don’t legitimize the election, that is a very dangerous road we go down.”

He continued, “First of all, he hurt his own supporters by saying that this is all fraud because now they’re not going to vote by mail. The Democrats are voting by mail in avalanche numbers. But secondly, to create and sow discord and doubt about the legitimacy of a presidential election, it’s dangerous, and it should never have happened.”

He added, “Her in Ohio we have had mail-in voting for fifteen years. They do it well, and we’ve found no instances of fraud. That’s just a big joke. And it’s wrong.”

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