Carly Fiorina: Trump Has ‘Failed’ in His Leadership — ‘Biden Is a Stronger Leader’

Former Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina on Wednesday touted 2020 Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s leadership for why she was crossing party lines in the upcoming election.

Fiorina, founder and chairman of Carly Fiorina Enterprises, on Fox News Channel’s “America’s Newsroom,” emphasized the importance of leadership from the President of the United States and said that was an area Trump has “failed.”

“[U]nfortunately, I think this is an area where, in my view, President Trump has failed in his leadership,” Fiorina explained. “I say that because the first and most important role of a leader in a crisis in particular, and COVID is a crisis, is to see the truth, speak the truth, and act on the truth. That is what I coach. And I think Donald Trump has a spotty record of speaking the truth about this virus and acting on the truth. I think now that he has experienced the virus himself, unfortunately, he is making it all about him. It is about his experience with the virus when millions of Americans have been experiencing this virus for a very long time. And I say that because the other critical quality of any leader is a leader serves. A leader serves others. It is never about the leader. It is always about those they serve.”

Fiorina acknowledged she does not agree with all of Biden’s policies, but she argued the former vice president “is a stronger leader.”

“While I don’t agree with everything Joe Biden believes, I don’t agree with all the policies of his party. I have been a Republican for all my life. I think Joe Biden is a stronger leader because he has demonstrated humility, empathy, the willingness to collaborate with others, and the character that I think matters in a leader,” she stated.

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