Loeffler: COVID Reaching W.H. Shows We Need to Hold China Accountable

On Saturday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “America’s News HQ,” Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-GA) stated that the fact that the coronavirus “has reached the White House shows that we need to hold the Chinese Communist Party accountable for its spread.”

Loffler said, “[L]et’s be very clear, the president has worked hard throughout the start of this virus. Look, he worked quickly to shut down travel from China and moved quickly to start Operation Warp Speed to get a vaccine. But we have to hold China accountable. The fact that this virus has reached the White House shows that we need to hold the Chinese Communist Party accountable for its spread. And I’m working to do that. I’ve introduced the BEAT CHINA Act to move manufacturing and our dependency back to the United States. Because if we’re going to put America first, it has to be American made. And I’m going to fight to hold China accountable for this virus.”

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