In a Wednesday CNN “New Day” interview, Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) slammed President Donald Trump for his behavior in the first presidential debate.

Klobuchar, who has been accused of abusing her staff, advised that four more years of another Trump presidency would be more “bullying” by someone who does not act like a president.

“If anyone wants to know what four more years of Donald Trump was going to be like, they saw it,” Klobuchar told host Alisyn Camerota. “They saw the bullying. He was like not a president on a debate stage. He was like a heckler at a ball game. And then it actually got worse. And I think through it all, as you just saw in the clip, Joe Biden tried when he wasn’t spoken over or wasn’t being yelled at or personally attacked to lay out his plan for the country, and that’s what people are tuning into.”

“And as someone who grew up in the suburbs myself, went to a big suburban high school, understand the politics of Democrats, Republicans and independents in the suburbs, they want a leader,” she added. “They want someone that’s going to bring competence to the White House. Joe Biden showed that last night.”

Klobuchar went on to criticize Trump for entering the debate without a plan, which she argued is how he has handled his presidency.

“[T]he fact that Donald Trump came to this debate with no plan and only bombast and anger and hate and in a culminating moment refused to condemn white supremacism — I think no one is going to forget that,” she stated.

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