President Donald Trump’s eldest son, Donald Trump, Jr., on Tuesday previewed the upcoming first presidential debate between the president and 2020 Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.

The younger Trump highlighted on Fox Business Network’s “Mornings with Maria” his father’s accomplishments from running the country. He listed off his efforts getting peace deals signed in the Middle East, combating the coronavirus pandemic and building the “greatest economy America has ever known.”

“Listen, the reality is the president has been practicing every day for this,” Trump told host Maria Bartiromo. “I mean, he is running the country. He’s doing, you know, an amazing job of that, he is getting peace deals done in the Middle East, he’s pulling us out of endless wars, he’s combating coronavirus, he built the greatest economy America has ever known. That is all within the purview of these things. You know, Joe Biden has been talking about doing these things for the last half a century in D.C., and yet, I don’t know anyone who can actually name a Joe Biden accomplishment. So, you know, I am not too worried about the debate. My father is practicing for the debate by living every day and working hard for American people.”

The Trump Organization executive vice president said he would like to see some “accountability” from Biden on his son’s business dealings. Trump then predicted Biden will have a “great” performance at the debate given his lack of time on the campaign trail.

“Joe Biden should be great tonight,” he emphasized. “If this isn’t the greatest debate performance in the history of debate performances, given how little he is on the campaign trail, given that he doesn’t have another day job, he’s literally been in his basement able to prep for this thing forever. So, I imagine he will regurgitate a couple one-liners that one of his interns wrote. And sort of irrespective of what happens, we all know what happens in the media — as long as he doesn’t drop dead on the debate stage, they are going to say he won anyway. So, it doesn’t really matter to me. I think the American people will see through it.”

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