MSNBC host Al Sharpton called on Republican senators to “recuse themselves” from the Supreme Court confirmation.
Sharpton argued Thursday on “Morning Joe” that if the GOP senators want “to have any iota of a democratic process in this election” they will “insist” to recuse themselves from the confirmation hearings or else the United States will be headed into an “autocracy.” According to Sharpton, a President Donald Trump-nominated judge would “guarantee” his reelection.
“If we are to have any iota of a democratic process in this election, the Republicans in the Senate — if they move forward as they seem determined to do with the process of the confirmation hearings or whoever the president nominates Saturday and a vote — they are to insist they recuse themselves,” Sharpton declared. “Because in effect this president has therefore not only violated the whole procedure they set up in 2016 against justice Garland, nominated by President Obama. He has, in fact, put in place how he can checkmate American democracy by putting in a judge that will guarantee, if proceedings go through the courts up to the Supreme Court, his reelection. And for him to be able to checkmate American democracy, is, in fact, a coup rather than an election. ”
He continued, “I think that this is the challenge the Republicans have to deal with from the public … if you insist on doing what you should not be doing, you should at least make sure they recuse themselves otherwise you’ve handed over this democracy to a whole situation that is nothing short of that we are now going into an autocracy headed by a man who is not able to get through a sentence without revealing his innermost thoughts of ultimate power.”
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