Former star NFL running back Herschel Walker on Sunday praised his friend President Donald Trump and shot down the claims that the president is racist.

Walker told Fox News Channel’s “Sunday Morning Futures” that Trump is not a racist, adding he is hearing from members of the black community that Trump’s message is “resonating” because they are learning about the “incredible” things he has done for them.

“I want the people to know the truth. I was hearing so many things about this man that was not true because I’ve known him for 37 years that I wanted the people to know the truth. The truth is he is not a racist. The truth is he loves the United States of America. I’m tired of people listening to his tweets saying that that’s the type of man he is — because he’s not.”

“I know it’s resonating with the African-American community because I hear them talking about it now,” he added.” You know, I think they’re stopping and looking at what’s going on. They’re stopping to look at everything. They are stopping to look at it and study and get into the history of what’s going on. You know, and I’m not going to take anything away from former President Obama because he showed all people of color you can be President of the United States, but I go back and say, ‘Guys, what did he do for the African-American community? I’m sorry, what did he do?’ Well, President Trump has done some incredible things for the African-American community, and he didn’t do it for a vote. … He did it because it was the right thing to do.”

Walker then argued Trump has been “fighting for America since he got into office with all these obstacles standing in his way” and dealt with the coronavirus pandemic while also dealing with impeachment and an investigation into colluding with Russia.

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