Wednesday, during CNN’s coverage of the third night of the Republican National Convention, network host Anderson Cooper attempted to wrap a panel segment by making a quip about the possibility of President Donald Trump and bleach.

The notion, which has been deemed “mostly false” by left-leaning PolitiFact, is based on comments made by Trump promoting the idea of studying the use of disinfectants in the human body to mitigate the threat from the COVID-19 virus.

The comments, according to the White House, were taken out of context, and Trump never actually mention “bleach” in his remarks.

Cooper’s remarks led to a back-and-forth with CNN contributor David Urban.

Partial transcript as follows:

COOPER: If it were up to the President, though, we would have more deaths by experimenting on people with bleach, so, you know, I’m not sure —


URBAN: No, boo, come on, Anderson. You know better. Boo.

COOPER: He didn’t want to inject bleach into people in medical experiments? He didn’t, David? Am I wrong?

URBAN: No, he didn’t want to inject bleach into people, no.

COOPER: Yes, he did. he said we should experiment on people with bleach, disinfectants inside their bodies, no? Am I the only one who heard that? Really? OK.


COOPER: All right.

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